Saturday, November 1, 2008

an updateeeeeee

Before I get dragged back into the world of MAJOR PROPAGANDA Social Studies, let me say that my world was rocked so, so, so hard yesterday.

I fenced only one person, and it was a girl, and as it was I won 5-1.

Then I went to sleep after one hour of reading MAJOR PROPAGANDA Social Studies I went to sleep and started dreaming about letting go of a blue balloon tied by a gold-yellow ribbon to a transparent balloon shaped like a rubber duckie.

Then I went down and saw a Macbook. I fondled it for a while, and then I understood.


And then Dad showed me my iPod Touch as well, 16GB, but I was reeling from the Macbook so that came as a smaller shock.

But I can only touch them after the O-Levels.

Oh and the cover's anodised aluminium. So no L impressions oh well.

I'll start work programming a screensaver for it once the O's are over. ^^

Meanwhile enjoy this musical piece.

Thank you, Dad. For the Macbook, and for the iPod.


COMBINED SCIENCE (PAPER FOUR) - Was decent, but I truly do not understand why animal cells do not have cell walls. I did questions 7 and 8, on sexual reproduction (menstruation and HIV) and on ecology respectively.


COMBINED HUMANITIES (SOCIAL STUDIES) - I don't like this subject, and I'd sooner take History into my L1R5 than this...thing here. But if I must then I will. I don't like Combined Humanities, I'll come very clean with that.

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