Wednesday, April 29, 2009

this was a while ago...



- Available: Almost never. And if I am, you have to call and hope I’m in a good mood.

- Age: Sixteen Going On Seventeen. Music number please! My time’s running out!

- Annoyance: I know I am, and that it doesn’t change no matter what I do. So I milk it.

- Allergic: No don’t think so. Picky though.

- Animal: A team of huskies, a handbag-size dog, a rabbit, or a black cat.

- Actor: Working towards it. Though I feel it slipping away. It’s not a good feeling.



- Beer: Being a minor and coming from a bloodline cursed to weakness in this area, I must decline.

- Birthday: Shikamaru’s birthday.

- Best friends: Naomi, the Insane Brigade. Any objections?

- Body Part on opposite sex: Facial features in general. And probably the pallor of their skin as well.

- Best feeling in the world: Ah, there are many. Musicals make a large part of it.

- Blind or Deaf: Neither, thank you. How would I enjoy my beloved musicals and anime otherwise?

- Best weather: Thunderstorm. It gives rise to great drama, and great warmth in numbers.

- Been in Love: Without me, his world will go on turning. The world is full of happiness that I have never known.

- Been bitched out?: Most probably at least once in my life. And I most probably have suffered some form of trauma from it, but it’s not important anymore.

- Been on stage?: I’m addicted to it. But until I can prove I deserve it, I won’t take it by force.

- Believe in yourself?: I believe I’m notoriously lacking in confidence. But I have an apparent lack of a sense of shame, and so if I feel like doing something interesting, I shall.

- Believe in life on other planets: Probably. Leia Organa, I will meet you someday.

- Believe in miracles: Yes. The number of times they happen for me can be counted with my fingers. The number of times things have gone miraculously wrong, however…

- Believe in Magic: Perhaps.

- Believe in God: I believe my religion dictates this. And I do, of my own accord.

- Believe in Satan: Absolutely and completely.

- Believe in Santa: I wish.

- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Yes.

- Believe in Evolution: Yes, I do.



- Car: I’ll settle for a Nissan. It’s not like I care. As long as I can pimp it.

- Candy: Any day.

- Colour: Blue, violet, pink, green, red, black, white.

- Cried in school: I can’t remember. I’ve done it at least once I think, but beyond that one time I can barely remember. Come close, many times.

- Chocolate/Vanilla: My goodness. White chocolate.

- Chinese/Mexican: Food? Depends I guess.

- Cake or pie: Cake. Marie Antoinette dictates it.

- Countries to visit: America, Britain, France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, the Balkans, Russia, Greece, Portugal, Canada, Austria.



- Day or Night: Day. Because as romantic as they seem, night shots are usually too disgusting for me. (Exceptions, I know.)

- Dream vehicle: Teleporting machine.

- Danced: I led the Hare Hare Yukai. And I know the Motteke! Serafuku, the Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari, the BACCHIKOI (the main Naruto bits). Perhaps one day I shall take adult ballet. Hmm.

- Dance in the rain?: No, I might slip, fall and die.

- Dance in the middle of the street?: If the street is closed, I’d be more than happy to. To lead the Hare Hare Yukai again would be awesome.

- Do the splits?: A while back. Healing up, shall try again when things stop hurting insanely.



- Eggs: And sperms and zygotes, oh my!

- Eyes: I wish the irises were either red or violet.

- Everyone has: rights, all ready for me to strip off of them.

- Ever failed a class?: Art, Design and Technology, Higher Chinese, Maths, Additional Maths, Chemistry.



- First crush: I was ten. And in retrospect, the lack of judgement was disgusting.

- First thoughts waking up: GRAAH five more minutes.

- Food: xiao long bao, steak, gelato, Japanese curry, nachos.



- Greatest Fear: That I was wrong. All along.

- Giver or taker: Taker.

- Goals: To wear my heart on my sleeve. And when my person is overruled by another, to wear her heart on my sleeve.

- Gum: I can chew it, my lovely Singaporean brethren. IN YOUR FACE.

- Get along with your parents?: …Half the time.

- Good luck charms: We all like to believe something is. It’s why I sleep in shinigami robes before especially large events.



- Hair Colour: Dark brown or black, never dyed, permed, rebonded. Ever.

- Height: 175cm, or 5’9”

- Happy: is what happens, when all your dreams come true. Well, isn’t it?

- Holidays: homework is such an ironical thing here.

- How do you want to die: Dramatically.

- Health freak?: I wish.

- Hate: is a tool with which I may manipulate those around me.



(In guys/girls)

- Eye colour: I still wish the irises were red or violet. However deep blue or grey is equally lovely.

- Hair Colour: A light brown. Or dark hair with mild blonde highlights.

- Height: A little taller. Just a little.

- Clothing Style: Cosplay elements. It can’t be boring. VISUAL APPEAL.

- Characteristics: I don’t know, really.

- Ice Cream: Cookies and Cream, Freddo Surprise, Roche, English Toffee.

- Instrument: I want to learn the violin. Also, the turntables.



- Jewelry: One ring, most probably on the thumb. A golden rose on a silver ring on my ring finger is good too. Pendants are pretty.

- Job: It better be something where I can express myself.



- Kids: Not from my ---- you don’t.

- Kickboxing or karate: …FENCING!!!!!!!!!!!! Take it to the piste!

- Keep a journal?: Will it involve reflections? Those are crappy. Don’t you just hate the reflections people make you write? I prefer the unexamined life. I prefer blogs. Music and all.



- Longest Car Ride: Probably in Australia, from Murdoch to Margaret River.

- Love: is not for me to feel.

- Letter: How romantic. I tend to ramble without end, and that’s why I stopped writing them.

- Laughed so hard you cried: Yes.

- Love at first sight: If it is not for me to feel, I don’t trust it.



- Milk flavour: Nah.

- Movie: Japanese please.

- Mooned anyone?: I will not be arrested for indecent exposure.

- Marriage: If love is not for me to feel, I won’t think of it.

- Motion sickness?: None for me.

- McD's or BK: McDonald’s. In Australia they call it Hungry Jack’s.

- Number of Siblings: Three. Two brothers and a sister. I’m oldest.

- Number of Piercings: Undefiled.

- Number: 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 8, 7, 4, 4, 888985 (From P1 till Trinity College.)



- Overused Phrases: Anyway…

- One wish: Infinite wishes.

- One phobia: Nyctophobia.



- Place you'd like to live: London.

- Pepsi/Coke: Lift.



- Quail: couldn’t care less.

- Questionnaires: I do them randomly. I’m annoying like that :D



- Reason to cry: I don’t have one. If I feel like it, then there it is.

- Reality T.V.: I Survived A Japanese Gameshow, So You Think You Can Dance

- Radio Station: Goodness. Radio. Why would I allow myself to be at the mercy of DJs? That’s representative democracy in action.

- Roll your tongue in a circle?: And touch my nose. And drive it up my nose a little. And do the Gene Simmons Tongue Wag. I’m all ready to perfect Orochimaru.



- Song: No good deed goes unpunished, no act of charity goes unresented. (As of yet I lack a belting voice, and cannot perform this one properly. But it is a beautiful piece.)

- Shoe size: 7-8

- Sushi: Cooked salmon onigiri. With the rice fully covered by seaweed and not by a single cheap strip. In other words, prepared Japanese konbini-style.

- Skipped school: Oh heavens, no! Not without a good and rational reason.

- Slept outside: Ewww, disgusting!

- Seen a dead body: Naturally. Three or four, actually.

- Smoked?: No. More disgusting than sleeping outside, even with the cherry flavoured smoke.

- Skinny dipped?: Never.

- Shower daily?: Naturally.

- Sing well?: Working on it, with great disdain towards pop music vocals. I sit at the feet of Idina Menzel, and I am filled with respect towards Julie Andrews’ prime.

- In the shower?: Sometimes.

- Swear?: At will.

- Stuffed Animals?: Only one may accompany me. And for now, that one is Mochi.

- Single/Group dates: I’ll decide when the time comes.

- Strawberries/Blueberries: Ichigo.

- Scientists need to invent: Time machines.



- Time for bed: I might sleep a lot, or I might not sleep at all.

- Thunderstorms: are epic drama.

- Touch your tongue to your nose?: Heck, I can shove it up. I can’t wait for the day I touch the skin underneath my eye!



- Unpredictable: Sometimes.

- Under the influence?: I dance to my own beat.

- Understanding?: I can be very villainous. Do not expect this of me.



- Vegetable you hate: Every single one.

- Vegetable you love: Anything that Mummy can blend and make into a cream soup.

- Vacation spot: Tokyo! Shinjuku! Harajuku! Daikanyama! Akihabara! IKUZO~!



- Weakness: Many. But why would I tell you? I’m a villain!

- When you grow up: I’ll begin my colonizing of the world.

- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Like me? No way.

- Who makes you laugh the most: It’s hard to say.

- Worst feeling: Loss.

- Wanted to be a model?: The figure is all I have. The thought never really crossed my mind in earnest. Also it seems a bit troublesome.

- Where do we go when we die: Heaven. Or if you sold your soul to Sebastian…Hell.

- Worst weather: Humid, extremely warm.

- Walk with a book on your head?: Not at all.



- X-Rays: Health checks for student visas and stuff.



-Year it is now: 2009

-Yellow: Piss.



- Zoo animal: Pandas.

- Zodiac sign: Virgo Monkey. (I act nothing like a Virgo. Libra’s much closer.)



1. Slept in a bed beside you?: Earth.

2. Last person to see you cry?: I can’t remember.

3. Went to the movies with you?: Mummy, Truth.

4. You went to the mall with?: Mummy, Dad, Truth.

5. You went out to dinner with?: Mummy, Truth, Earth, my cousin.

6. You talked to on the phone?: Prisia. Kuroshitsuji crit. :3

7. Made you laugh?: The torture war between Prisia and Truth. XDDDDD

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