Monday, October 27, 2008

I hear Neodammerung playing in my head now.

Do you know Neodammerung? It's the one in the Matrix Revolutions where Smith meets Neo and he says "Mister Anderson, welcome back. We've missed you." and Neo says "It ends tonight.".

It has a convenient climatic-sounding choir in the background that has a vocal capacity that is higher than mine on a good day, and that makes me jealous.

But that's beside the point.

I hear Neodammerung playing in my head because I know that in less than four hours I'm going to go to the school hall and take History, which is pretty much my most random subject, and the final grade could be anything from a B3 to a D7.

And it's kinda scary, because I really really really want Japan and the War in Asia-Pacific to come out because that's really what I'm best at, and I'm not too good at everything else. ><

Wish me luck.

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