Tuesday, March 3, 2009

lines and rust

I wanted to show you guys what I wore today...
But it is, alas, not meant to be.
For on my way to school this morning, it rained on my pride and joy (my Nodame bag), and in a desperate bid to protect my pride and joy, I turned my bag over, so as to protect the keys, the lines of which rather gracefully smudged onto my shirt, just a little.
For during History of Ideas today (Janusz is quite so very interesting.) I sat next to a seat with a broken pull-out table, where only the metal rod remained. The metal rod, so full of rust and dirt, which soiled the left sleeve of my shirt.

All you shall know of it then, was that it was completely inspired by the collective efforts of Road Kamelot (ribbon and white collared shirt), Gogo Yubari (skirt, done in red plaid), and Emily the Strange (stockings and black Converses). Please liberally use your imagination - I was so proud of what I'd thrown together *happytears*

I'm under the head of Drama, which puts me in a good position to ask about music theatre. I'm going to seek out a certain teacher from the Arts Centre tomorrow, which will put me in a better position to ask about music theatre. I'll be attending a music theatre course from the 20th to the 21st, which will put me in a beautiful position to learn about music theatre.

I can't wait :3
And I want to pick a nice auspicious day to go out in butler (with my spare white collared shirt, with cufflinks). Suggest? :33333


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