Tuesday, February 10, 2009

No good deed goes unpunished

It's one more day of happiness and freedom, and the sun is setting on this one more day.

Today I watched Wicked.
The performance of No One Mourns The Wicked nearly made me cry, and I have officially begun fangirling over Fiyero. ("He's distant and moodified, and he's been thinking, which really worries me." - Glinda on Fiyero)
I now understand so much more why Mr Sng opposes so vehemently against the hole that drama of Singapore is in.
It discouraged me a little to see that Melbourne was so far ahead of Singapore, but I guess it was a matter of taking one step back and three steps forward.
Singapore theatre needs to be saved.
By our generation.
By someone.
Someone like...God forbid! Some of us are born great, some become great, some of us have greatness thrust upon us... *is shot for narcissism*
But besides that rather narcissistic point, I loved the show. The effects were amazing, sound rather well done, orchestra didn't miss a single beat, and I totally understood where the politics and historical distortions were coming from. It was a beautiful, beautiful show, and the cast had such strong voices. (I was particularly disturbed for a brief moment during The Wizard and I, because Elphaba's voice was resonating across the entire hall.)
If you ever, ever, come across the Melbourne production, or the American one, if you are ever so fortunate, or the West End one... heck, if you come across any of them (that has a reputation for good drama, ie. not Singapore [yet]), GO WATCH IT.
That be all.

And when I can be bothered to, I shall post pictures of my college pad, and I shall tell you about my hostelmates (especially the ones I congregate and 'thon with around 9pm on).

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