Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yesterday was such a beautiful day...and then today came.
Yesterday was so happy.
I didn't win anything for EYD, but then again I'd joined on a whim so I didn't half care. It's sort of in my general philosophy that "it's others who win" anyway, and since I haven't won anything substantial since I turned twelve, I shan't continue being sad over my losses.
It was Tereza's birthday, and I know for sure what I want to do for her over the weekend, and so does she, because I told her just in case I forgot. (It's a clay bird. A la Deidara.)
I had an E Maths test I was so scared of failing, I prayed long and hard for it. And thank goodness Standard Deviation didn't come out, or I'd have been finished right there and then. I died on a question about trigonometrical bearings and basically anything that had anything to do with trigo, along with a smattering of other questions.
I've lost 26 marks out of a possible 103.
It means that if all goes swimmingly I should get a rather tidy 74%. An A.
My first A for Maths since April 2006.

And then today.
Irritating, painful, today.
My dad *had* to start, driving me and Truth in the car to school, he likes this captive audience thing that he has going on. I'd like to swear at him, to fire a long stream of expletives at him here in this little piece of Internet real estate I have that no one looks at, but I won't do that because of possible repercussions.
"Hey, Truth, do you know what 酒肉朋友 means?"
I understood immediately.
"You're talking about my friends kthx."
And then he tried to hide it.
"No I'm not, I'm just saying. Besides, I haven't met all your friends."
"All that you've met."
And THEN he came clean.
"Especially ------. (Why would I tell you.) She's the worst one of all."
"You don't know her."
I walked out of the car just as it turned into the side gate.
Before going into the courtyard for morning assembly, I sent a message to him to explain the circumstances.
He sent one back just after History, and he said "I know her type.". If I could have sent a slap through the phone, I would have. Actually even if I'd sent a hundred I don't think I'd have been assuaged.
I replied, to explain further.
He replied in the middle of Chinese, threatening to sue my friend if I failed my O-levels. Just after I finished reading that, my Chinese teacher came, and my phone... you know.
That really did it, and after she walked away, in between my near-futile attempts to stop myself from crying (I never did), I took my mechanical pencil, extended it far enough so the metal tip was out but not the graphite, and scarred myself many times on my right arm.
Considering I've only done that two or three times in my entire life, this one was pretty serious. It was the first time I'd bled doing it.
Two sickening people.
My Chinese teacher took me out of class after that and we had a talk so I could explain why I was using my phone in class. (Or however a person can talk in between being emotionally destroyed.) She gave her side, which was, for once in my life with my Chinese teacher, actually rational. Later I went back to class for English, and barely ten minutes in I was taken out again by my Chinese teacher, this time to see my form teacher.
We sat in the sick bay and I washed my wounds with antiseptic and explained the circumstances to her, in slightly more coherent language, and she understood, and we had many long silences because we both knew there was nothing to be said that might have helped.
The counsellor came, and so we talked some more, me and her, about how I had good reason to be angry, and how he had his reasons for attacking me in this way. And we talked a bit, about differing religions, about how he loved me and perhaps was a bit overbearing, and she asked if she should talk to him, but I said no, because I thought perhaps it would become worse if she did.
I went back to class at noon. In effect I'd cut half the day's classes being in counselling.
At least Social Studies was bearable. After about two or three people asked where I went the day carried on as per normal (it being the last period of the day before Assembly, which was a total waste of time.).
I haven't been so sad since 2004. And 2004 was a dark, dark year.
I did get my phone back. But I'm still not happy.
And I don't want to speak to him. Not till Sunday. He's being insufferable, and I'll bet the first person to tell me different my allowance for the next week, that he won't apologise for being such a ----head.

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