Thursday, March 27, 2008


so many things have happened,and it`s hard to start now.

i`ll just do this.


A is for Anime (and acting)

B is for Byakuya-taichou-sama X3

C is for Cosplay (*melts in happiness*)

D is for Dreamer (no prizes for guessing who I support in the US Election.)

E is for Exodus (a nice Bible chapter.)

F is for Fangirl (SELF EXPLANATORY 8D)

G is for Gothic Lolita (which I hope to do in the near future)

H is for Harajuku (in effect the centre of Earth.)

I is for Ichigo bliss (which Someone has gotten me obsessed with)

J is for Japan (the best country in the world)

K is for Kenichi Matsuyama (the most oddly cute man I've seen)

L is for Lysander (and L. Lawliet)

M is for Midsummer Night's Dream (and Mello,whom I feel is like me in a few cases)

N is for Naomi (my best friend ^-^ whom I cannot see now due to two angry misguided people. T-T)

O is for Ojou-sama (

P is for Photoshop (one of the best inventions of our time)

R is for Roy (the short name of my foil)

S is for Senbonzakura Mugen (the long name of my foil,with a long backstory to go with it.)

T is for Theatre (Proudly consuming my life since 1996.)

U is for Unconventional (what I hope to be)

V is for Violence (which I enjoy reading about,but cannot watch for fear of fainting.)

W is for Winter-ghost (a nice person. XD

X is for XXX (which is my brain summarised.)

Y is for Yilong-jiaolian (Coach Yilong,who teaches me fencing ^^)

Z is for Zemotion. (KAMI!!!) (

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