Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm limited
Just look at me
I'm limited
And just look at you,
you can do all I couldn't do
...So now it's up to you
Now it's up to you
- Elphaba, For Good, Wicked.

Today I was defeated. Completely and utterly defeated.
It was painful. It still is painful.
And I hate it.
I hate it not just because I was defeated, though that is reason for anger, but I hate it because I was not defeated by someone with power. I was defeated by someone with a title, and someone who had great stupidity in his indecision.
You know that feeling? It's something like this one...

There I was minding my own business when the class gets divided into three. The leader fascist bastard of my division ignored all my suggestions about our group presentation assessment, worth 5% in our final grade for English for Academic Purposes.
We were supposed to do a group presentation on one aspect of nonverbal communication, between the following.
  1. Facial communication
  2. Gestural communication
  3. Eye communication
  4. Spacial communication
  5. Artifactual communication
The fourth is about space. The fifth is about what you wear or otherwise use to adorn yourself.
For the longest time I pushed for artifactual communication. The fascist bastard whined and complained. "No, it's going to be troublesome! It's going to be time-consuming, it's going to take so long! Besides, we have to go out and look for resources!"
And he said all this, looking at me. The only person in Trinity College who had the nerve to dress so interestingly that one day in April.
As much as I wanted to yell at him, I breathed. "I'm a cosplayer. I have interesting clothes. What do you want, then?"
"I think we should do eye communication. It's easy, there isn't much effort involved. How hard can it be? It's just our eyes."
I wanted so badly to slap him across the face I cannot even begin to describe it here without gratuitous use of highest-level swearing (IT'S VOCABULARY TIME! Find synonyms for: copulate, copulate, copulating intercourse, intercourse, donkey excrement, may a stick be wedged in the centre of his posterior, matriach-copulating, cat), not that my calling him a fascist bastard isn't already doing so.
"But it's only our eyes!" I argued, "Do you know how insanely BORING that's going to be? This is worth 5%, if we don't put effort into it, it's not going to score."
"Yes, Mummy."
What a landslide victory he'd gotten.
I tried to ask the fascist bastard again, when he was playing with his iPhone.
"Shut the [copulate] up."
And then the time came to choose, and Jane appeared and asked him of our choice.
"Um........ we still haven't decided. Go ask other people first."
Of course we hadn't, it was a fascist bastard against a person of no status, coupled by three people who were okay with anything!
The second group made their choice. She returned.
"You know what, come back later, we're putting it to a vote."
The third group made their choice. I convinced everyone. She returned.
"We want artifactual communication."
"It's taken by the second group. Do you have a second choice?"
They had heard everything I argued for. Everything. And it had made sense, as I knew it would have.
"Our second choice is gestural communication."
"It's taken by the third group. Do you have a third choice?"
"Our third choice is..."
We went into discussion with Jane, who in the end suggested facial communication over eye communication, since obviously the face includes the eyes.
This officially marks the day I've met the most stupid person of the year.
And somehow they seem to all be men, these stupid people.
How peculiar.

Well. He may go and copulate himself in the posterior, this fascist bastard. I'll just be sitting elsewhere, doing my own thing. I don't want to have anything to do with this project if we have to do this collectively. I'll do my side privately, and I'm not going to listen to what he says at all. And if he starts controlling, the fascist bastard he is, I'm going to keep as quiet as possible, as I have for the past two hours.
I'd have liked to do this...
but I have no patience as Itsuki has to deal with the likes of him.

This is what I'll be doing. Complete with the monosyllabic replies if need be. It's an extreme measure, but I think there's no way else I can go about getting my score. If I start talking to him I think I'm going to end up mothering him. I'll just do my own thing.
I'm still angry he had to screw it up. Now I have to do my assessment with a topic I hate to bits.
"You know, that's what school is about, you have to do assignments you don't like," consoled my mother, but up until this fascist bastard came along I was enjoying all my assignments.

Thank you, fascist bastard, for spoiling the record.

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