In Secondary school, at least.
The day began sleepy, as a continuation of two days of sheer boredom and what felt like neuron necrosis.
Mr Sng came in during the third period and asked us to do our summaries. Of course no one was in the mood for it because after school we were to have an Additional Maths test, and everyone wanted to study for it. So he let us take our summaries home to complete, and he let us use his period for revision. With that, he walked out.
He came back near the end of English class with our personal recounts from about two weeks ago. And suddenly apocalyptic music played in my head, because I really really really (x30000) didn't want to get my assignment back. I was scared. Scared because I told, not showed. Scared because I ventured into unfamiliar ground. Scared because... it was a sort of test-drive.
But I guess I could justify that with "what did you expect us to come up with in one and a half hours about being late for an important date or event which led to serious consequences?!?!?!?! *swearing*"
And so it came back.
And I was expecting something horrible. Twenty over thirty. Nineteen over thirty. Oh, the possibilities!
And it returned.
I went red. Very red. I was so... so... happy. Elated. Jubilant.
I laughed silently to myself under my table as he went through all the common mistakes for our class personal recount essays.
And he'd been indecisive about it, too. He'd written 22, then cancelled it, then 26, which was cancelled too, before he settled on 26.
Ah, mafia men, you make the narrative world such a beautiful place.
I'll type it out here ^^. With what Mr Sng's corrected.
I rushed into my black Lamborghini, as Alphonse slid into the driver's seat almost effortlessly, the way I'd demanded he do it since I was a child.
"I told you it was time to go half an hour ago!" Alphonse cried as he started the ignition. "I really don't know how you'll succeed the Wright lineage, the way you're acting," he said, softer this time, as if he were talking to himself.
It was my fault, of course, but I wouldn't admit it. Father told me once that there are two things that Wrights do not do - admit one's mistakes, and to apologise, for these two are signs of weakness, which our world, our terrain, has no tolerance for.
The jalopy sped past expressway after expressway, as I hastily adjusted my tie, fiddled with my cufflinks, and slicked back my hair. My first day, and already I was making mistakes. Ten minutes to the time I was supposed to become a made man, and I was half an hour away from my destination.
My mind flashed to all the horror stories I'd gleaned from the butlers as a child, of people who were late for their induction as made men. Some had Father's hitmen attack them, others had the end sections of their little fingers cut off, a lucky few had cigars stubbed out on them. But all of these people still became members of the Dark, so in a way, my mind was put at ease.
At last, we arrived at Uncle Victor's turf, where the ceremony was held. Along with Uncle Nero, who was mildly amused, I met with the cold stare of my father.
"Virgil," Nero, the head of the Dark said, in an unusually calm tone for the given circumstances, "it appears Sebastian here, your son, has no sense of responsibility. Was this, Sebastian's making, not supposed to be the best day of your life? And Sebastian, was this not supposed to be the best day of yours?
"I remember, when I took you in, my right-hand man's son, as my apprentice, I saw great things in you. You seemed to possess the ability to pursue greatness, to carry on the name of the Wrights as the best henchmen the Dark, the world, has ever seen. To be late for your induction, why, your father," and here he pulled out a derringer, "could just die of disappointment at his only successor's failure to arrive and be made on time."
He cocked the gun and placed it at my father's temple. My pupils dilated as cold sweat trickled down my own temples, as the hitmen in the back sniggered somewhat. I'd lost all self control by then, and all I could do was to yell "NO!".
What happened after that was a blur. I only remember that the great heaping mass that was Nero toppled to the ground, knocking him out cold as he fell on the back on his head. I remember, too, that there was great pandemonium as the hitmen and all the other men present went delirious. To assault the Don... that was sheer madness. It could have spelled death.
But most of all, I remembered my father.
I remember his expressionless face when the gun was put to his head, his shock and anger when Nero fell, and the intense disappointment in his eyes, that gave him pain even to acknowledge me as his son, all of which culminated in the last two words he has ever said to me.
"Get out."
No, this was a nightmare, I thought. Disowning in our world was done only if I had committed the unforgivable. It was the greatest dishonour, and to be disowned was to say I could never return to our world, our house, ever again.
"Get out," he said, mildly exerting his vocal cords now.
I remained rooted, paralysed.
"GET OUT!" he hollered, exerting his diaphragm and using every last bit of strength he had.
Alphonse dragged me off in the end. He drove me home and handed me my things. "Sebastian... I'm sorry."
"It's not your sentence, Alphonse, it's mine. I'm sorry," I murmured, no longer a member of the Wrights.
"As is customary for the disowned, they are allowed one trip, to be sent off by their personal butlers to any place they so desire, as a final service. Where do you wish to go?"
I thought for a while, tearing somewhat at the prospect of even leaving home, and the books, the memories, Alphonse.
"Take me far away. Far away from here. Anywhere you please."
And at last, when I alighted, in the dead of night, on a seemingly endless beach, I looked up into the vast blue sky, uncertain and crestfallen, as I was to start life again all by myself.
I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise to all the mafia/prospective mafia who read this blog (heck, no one reads this blog) because I don't think I did you guys justice.
"Very gothic and vampirish", read the verdict from Mr Sng. Hmm. Vampirish.
Iman went delirious reading this. She was laughing all the way and going on about how he was totally right and how it was so very vampirish indeed, at which I flailed my hands asking loudly what it was that was so vampirish about my composition. (My references were from Artemis Fowl, 300, Kamikaze Girls, and the Godfather theme song on repeat in my head. Oh, and the whole thing playing itself out in my head anime-style.) She didn't tell me, because when I showed my composition to her she was studying for the A Maths test, and couldn't be bothered to explain further, but she cited the seemingly endless beach in the dead of the night as an example.
Penelope read it, and after that there was a pause, before she turned and looked at me. "This is... absolutely masterful." she said. She said her heart didn't feel it though, but her head did. (That was my main fear. This composition didn't have my heart in full throttle.)
Prisia said that Sebastian was an idiot for someone raised in a mafia family, and that he should have controlled himself better because it was obviously a common joke.
Ah well.
Mr Sng was all, "If you want to know how to write a good personal recount, ask Faith, Sakinah, Mavis and Vanessa." (I think he said those four anyway.) But I don't think I can help anyone who asks me - I just wrote whatever the hell I wanted and prayed he'd like it.
We were tested on our grouping. We had to shoot three arrows in any place we so chose (and hope to God that they were together).
So I shot. Fast.
And they were together ^________^
I got a red mini arrow with red, orange and yellow fletches. The only red arrow in class. The other three got black arrows, but I heard that the colours were random. Oh well.
A Maths after school was... bearable. I'm going to get a lot of flak from my Maths tuition teacher for forgetting how to do one whole question (or two) but I see a 72% if all else goes well other than what I didn't know/answer at all.
Alright, going off. ^^
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
...I'm much better now.
Just thought I'd get that off first.
Saturday at fencing I fought all three guys in class (and lost to all of them) and I fought a girl (and won 8D which might have explained my "promotion" to fighting guys). After that me and Prisia went to study at Toa Payoh (it was amazing. I thought my parents would never agree.) and she looked at my scars (healed now pretty much) and asked, "Exactly what did you use again?"
I took out my pencil case and showed her exactly what I used. She scarred herself on the back of her left hand (yes she does that. I still can't get over it.) twice with my mechanical pencil and looked at it. It went from white friction marks to two linear bumps on her skin, but it never did bleed (and she's supposed to be stronger than me). She looked back at me.
"Woah, you did feel crappy. But promise me you'll never do that again."
And so I did. If anything, to make myself feel better.
Moving on. My Chinese teacher did get back to me about my dad, but I told her he wasn't pursuing it extensively. (He's like that. He gets as mad as the hell he wants for as long as he likes, and then he stops. And then he forgets completely about it and expects everyone to forgive him. Two years and roughly four months ago he beat me with a rattan stick for my grades [still bordering on abysmal], and when I asked about it six months later he said he never did such a thing.)
I've realised that I've become strangely zombielike on Tuesdays. I can't remember anything about Tuesdays except that I feel nothing and have constant headaches. I think it's ELDDS withdrawal symptoms, but as to why I felt no such thing between my retirement and last last Tuesday, I don't know at all.
Mass dance. None of the Secondary Fours were interested at all. Except for...
"...Prisia, why is there a huge space between the two of us and everyone else?"
"I don't know, more space for us then."
Conveniently, my Social Studies teacher walked past. "Aiyah, you two be the star dancers lah."
- awkward moment -
"Well... I guess this future MP needs more votes."
And so Prisia and I danced. And when the whole level was sabotaged into dancing, because the two of us were nearest the people teaching us I guess it can be said that we singlehandedly saved the whole level, while, at the same time, we were given the titles of The Most Crazy People In The Level. (Well it's not that anyone in their right mind would dance to a song about shaking your booty. But I'm not. And I need to know more than the Hare Hare Yukai and the Motteke Sailor Fuku and the Soulja Boy and Caramelldansen.)
Afterwards my class had an English timed assignment about prisoners and slavery and stuff like that. It's good that we finally have stuff like that for T.A.s, I think, because I don't want to be stuck with things like Patagonian desert journeys and astrology and things like that. I was so happy reading the comprehension passage. At least I had something to visualise, complete with background music.
Grooming. Feh. At least it was kind of fun. The guy walked in and I stared at him. All I could remember was that I'd seen his face before, and that somehow he was associated with the colour green.
"Yes I do have a twin brother. I don't like him though."
Even his name was familiar. Geoff. It was... something I'd heard before. But I couldn't put my finger on it.
Anyway. We went through the whole What Turns You Off About The Appearances Of Guys/Girls. And he got me to take all the responses on the guy side down. Ah well.
Then we went through dining. Easy. It's first outer inner last. Like algebra. And I've never used it before XD
Then we went through handshakes and he asked me for help again. So I got up, and there was an obvious height difference. He tried to stand on his toes, but it was epic fail. *evil laughter* So I shook his hand. Just because.
He was funny.
I asked him after class whether he went to Parkway often, since he said he went there once. He said yes, and asked me why. So I told him I fenced there. And we had a brief conversation. And that pretty much ended it.
..I'm addicted to Mars bars. They're like happy pills, only they're legal.
Just thought I'd get that off first.
Saturday at fencing I fought all three guys in class (and lost to all of them) and I fought a girl (and won 8D which might have explained my "promotion" to fighting guys). After that me and Prisia went to study at Toa Payoh (it was amazing. I thought my parents would never agree.) and she looked at my scars (healed now pretty much) and asked, "Exactly what did you use again?"
I took out my pencil case and showed her exactly what I used. She scarred herself on the back of her left hand (yes she does that. I still can't get over it.) twice with my mechanical pencil and looked at it. It went from white friction marks to two linear bumps on her skin, but it never did bleed (and she's supposed to be stronger than me). She looked back at me.
"Woah, you did feel crappy. But promise me you'll never do that again."
And so I did. If anything, to make myself feel better.
Moving on. My Chinese teacher did get back to me about my dad, but I told her he wasn't pursuing it extensively. (He's like that. He gets as mad as the hell he wants for as long as he likes, and then he stops. And then he forgets completely about it and expects everyone to forgive him. Two years and roughly four months ago he beat me with a rattan stick for my grades [still bordering on abysmal], and when I asked about it six months later he said he never did such a thing.)
I've realised that I've become strangely zombielike on Tuesdays. I can't remember anything about Tuesdays except that I feel nothing and have constant headaches. I think it's ELDDS withdrawal symptoms, but as to why I felt no such thing between my retirement and last last Tuesday, I don't know at all.
Mass dance. None of the Secondary Fours were interested at all. Except for...
"...Prisia, why is there a huge space between the two of us and everyone else?"
"I don't know, more space for us then."
Conveniently, my Social Studies teacher walked past. "Aiyah, you two be the star dancers lah."
- awkward moment -
"Well... I guess this future MP needs more votes."
And so Prisia and I danced. And when the whole level was sabotaged into dancing, because the two of us were nearest the people teaching us I guess it can be said that we singlehandedly saved the whole level, while, at the same time, we were given the titles of The Most Crazy People In The Level. (Well it's not that anyone in their right mind would dance to a song about shaking your booty. But I'm not. And I need to know more than the Hare Hare Yukai and the Motteke Sailor Fuku and the Soulja Boy and Caramelldansen.)
Afterwards my class had an English timed assignment about prisoners and slavery and stuff like that. It's good that we finally have stuff like that for T.A.s, I think, because I don't want to be stuck with things like Patagonian desert journeys and astrology and things like that. I was so happy reading the comprehension passage. At least I had something to visualise, complete with background music.
Grooming. Feh. At least it was kind of fun. The guy walked in and I stared at him. All I could remember was that I'd seen his face before, and that somehow he was associated with the colour green.
"Yes I do have a twin brother. I don't like him though."
Even his name was familiar. Geoff. It was... something I'd heard before. But I couldn't put my finger on it.
Anyway. We went through the whole What Turns You Off About The Appearances Of Guys/Girls. And he got me to take all the responses on the guy side down. Ah well.
Then we went through dining. Easy. It's first outer inner last. Like algebra. And I've never used it before XD
Then we went through handshakes and he asked me for help again. So I got up, and there was an obvious height difference. He tried to stand on his toes, but it was epic fail. *evil laughter* So I shook his hand. Just because.
He was funny.
I asked him after class whether he went to Parkway often, since he said he went there once. He said yes, and asked me why. So I told him I fenced there. And we had a brief conversation. And that pretty much ended it.
..I'm addicted to Mars bars. They're like happy pills, only they're legal.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Yesterday was such a beautiful day...and then today came.
Yesterday was so happy.
I didn't win anything for EYD, but then again I'd joined on a whim so I didn't half care. It's sort of in my general philosophy that "it's others who win" anyway, and since I haven't won anything substantial since I turned twelve, I shan't continue being sad over my losses.
It was Tereza's birthday, and I know for sure what I want to do for her over the weekend, and so does she, because I told her just in case I forgot. (It's a clay bird. A la Deidara.)
I had an E Maths test I was so scared of failing, I prayed long and hard for it. And thank goodness Standard Deviation didn't come out, or I'd have been finished right there and then. I died on a question about trigonometrical bearings and basically anything that had anything to do with trigo, along with a smattering of other questions.
I've lost 26 marks out of a possible 103.
It means that if all goes swimmingly I should get a rather tidy 74%. An A.
My first A for Maths since April 2006.
And then today.
Irritating, painful, today.
My dad *had* to start, driving me and Truth in the car to school, he likes this captive audience thing that he has going on. I'd like to swear at him, to fire a long stream of expletives at him here in this little piece of Internet real estate I have that no one looks at, but I won't do that because of possible repercussions.
"Hey, Truth, do you know what 酒肉朋友 means?"
I understood immediately.
"You're talking about my friends kthx."
And then he tried to hide it.
"No I'm not, I'm just saying. Besides, I haven't met all your friends."
"All that you've met."
And THEN he came clean.
"Especially ------. (Why would I tell you.) She's the worst one of all."
"You don't know her."
I walked out of the car just as it turned into the side gate.
Before going into the courtyard for morning assembly, I sent a message to him to explain the circumstances.
He sent one back just after History, and he said "I know her type.". If I could have sent a slap through the phone, I would have. Actually even if I'd sent a hundred I don't think I'd have been assuaged.
I replied, to explain further.
He replied in the middle of Chinese, threatening to sue my friend if I failed my O-levels. Just after I finished reading that, my Chinese teacher came, and my phone... you know.
That really did it, and after she walked away, in between my near-futile attempts to stop myself from crying (I never did), I took my mechanical pencil, extended it far enough so the metal tip was out but not the graphite, and scarred myself many times on my right arm.
Considering I've only done that two or three times in my entire life, this one was pretty serious. It was the first time I'd bled doing it.
Two sickening people.
My Chinese teacher took me out of class after that and we had a talk so I could explain why I was using my phone in class. (Or however a person can talk in between being emotionally destroyed.) She gave her side, which was, for once in my life with my Chinese teacher, actually rational. Later I went back to class for English, and barely ten minutes in I was taken out again by my Chinese teacher, this time to see my form teacher.
We sat in the sick bay and I washed my wounds with antiseptic and explained the circumstances to her, in slightly more coherent language, and she understood, and we had many long silences because we both knew there was nothing to be said that might have helped.
The counsellor came, and so we talked some more, me and her, about how I had good reason to be angry, and how he had his reasons for attacking me in this way. And we talked a bit, about differing religions, about how he loved me and perhaps was a bit overbearing, and she asked if she should talk to him, but I said no, because I thought perhaps it would become worse if she did.
I went back to class at noon. In effect I'd cut half the day's classes being in counselling.
At least Social Studies was bearable. After about two or three people asked where I went the day carried on as per normal (it being the last period of the day before Assembly, which was a total waste of time.).
I haven't been so sad since 2004. And 2004 was a dark, dark year.
I did get my phone back. But I'm still not happy.
And I don't want to speak to him. Not till Sunday. He's being insufferable, and I'll bet the first person to tell me different my allowance for the next week, that he won't apologise for being such a ----head.
Yesterday was so happy.
I didn't win anything for EYD, but then again I'd joined on a whim so I didn't half care. It's sort of in my general philosophy that "it's others who win" anyway, and since I haven't won anything substantial since I turned twelve, I shan't continue being sad over my losses.
It was Tereza's birthday, and I know for sure what I want to do for her over the weekend, and so does she, because I told her just in case I forgot. (It's a clay bird. A la Deidara.)
I had an E Maths test I was so scared of failing, I prayed long and hard for it. And thank goodness Standard Deviation didn't come out, or I'd have been finished right there and then. I died on a question about trigonometrical bearings and basically anything that had anything to do with trigo, along with a smattering of other questions.
I've lost 26 marks out of a possible 103.
It means that if all goes swimmingly I should get a rather tidy 74%. An A.
My first A for Maths since April 2006.
And then today.
Irritating, painful, today.
My dad *had* to start, driving me and Truth in the car to school, he likes this captive audience thing that he has going on. I'd like to swear at him, to fire a long stream of expletives at him here in this little piece of Internet real estate I have that no one looks at, but I won't do that because of possible repercussions.
"Hey, Truth, do you know what 酒肉朋友 means?"
I understood immediately.
"You're talking about my friends kthx."
And then he tried to hide it.
"No I'm not, I'm just saying. Besides, I haven't met all your friends."
"All that you've met."
And THEN he came clean.
"Especially ------. (Why would I tell you.) She's the worst one of all."
"You don't know her."
I walked out of the car just as it turned into the side gate.
Before going into the courtyard for morning assembly, I sent a message to him to explain the circumstances.
He sent one back just after History, and he said "I know her type.". If I could have sent a slap through the phone, I would have. Actually even if I'd sent a hundred I don't think I'd have been assuaged.
I replied, to explain further.
He replied in the middle of Chinese, threatening to sue my friend if I failed my O-levels. Just after I finished reading that, my Chinese teacher came, and my phone... you know.
That really did it, and after she walked away, in between my near-futile attempts to stop myself from crying (I never did), I took my mechanical pencil, extended it far enough so the metal tip was out but not the graphite, and scarred myself many times on my right arm.
Considering I've only done that two or three times in my entire life, this one was pretty serious. It was the first time I'd bled doing it.
Two sickening people.
My Chinese teacher took me out of class after that and we had a talk so I could explain why I was using my phone in class. (Or however a person can talk in between being emotionally destroyed.) She gave her side, which was, for once in my life with my Chinese teacher, actually rational. Later I went back to class for English, and barely ten minutes in I was taken out again by my Chinese teacher, this time to see my form teacher.
We sat in the sick bay and I washed my wounds with antiseptic and explained the circumstances to her, in slightly more coherent language, and she understood, and we had many long silences because we both knew there was nothing to be said that might have helped.
The counsellor came, and so we talked some more, me and her, about how I had good reason to be angry, and how he had his reasons for attacking me in this way. And we talked a bit, about differing religions, about how he loved me and perhaps was a bit overbearing, and she asked if she should talk to him, but I said no, because I thought perhaps it would become worse if she did.
I went back to class at noon. In effect I'd cut half the day's classes being in counselling.
At least Social Studies was bearable. After about two or three people asked where I went the day carried on as per normal (it being the last period of the day before Assembly, which was a total waste of time.).
I haven't been so sad since 2004. And 2004 was a dark, dark year.
I did get my phone back. But I'm still not happy.
And I don't want to speak to him. Not till Sunday. He's being insufferable, and I'll bet the first person to tell me different my allowance for the next week, that he won't apologise for being such a ----head.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Last night I went to the Victoria Concert Hall for my primary school's fund-raising concert.
I went in Lolita again, so I won't elaborate on that.
I love the architecture of that place. All the little details and the busts and the pillars and the clock tower, it made the experience that little bit more magical for me.
I met my ex-P6-form-teacher. She had to look twice before she realised who I was, and no one else really did actually, other than her. We talked for a bit. Here is a brief excerpt.
"As you can see I have discovered the world of Japanese fashion."
They started off with Chinese Orchestra, which was the main reason why I was there because my sister was the erhu section vice... group leader. Person. It's called 副团长.
I keep almost no good memories of my primary school, and the reason why I think class spirit in my current class is nothing more than a hindrance is probably because the only class spirit I experienced back then was called Pull Faith's Hair And Call Her Names (Bamboo Is A Good Example). (If that wasn't a hindrance, I don't know what is.) And so I retreated into myself. In any case it wasn't to my advantage if I tried to follow their trends and interests and whatnot. So, partially out of necessity, and partially out of the privileges it would bring, I stopped caring.
(I digress. Though I still hate that place - I was practically suicidal by the time I got out, and I nearly cried during graduation because it was the first time I'd felt free and happy in about three years.)
And so it should come as no surprise, that when the announcer said Chinese Orchestra was the "pride and joy of Kong Hwa School" I leaned over and whispered to my mother, "They probably mean 'saving grace'."
In the process of their performance, which was fair because I didn't really know the songs they played, and I've never heard a bad Chinese Orchestra before, I didn't have much to look at. I realised that the concert hall had really pretty wall lamps, and that the doors had carvings reminiscent of the hilt of Senbonzakura.
But what really stole the show for me was a person I couldn't even see for the majority of the performance.
It was this little boy on the cymbals. He couldn't be more than 1.3 metres tall, and he was blocked by the erhu section where I sat, but I did see him to some extent. A leg, a sleeve... I didn't mind, because it was what he did that made me explode with cuteness.
All through the performance as far as I knew, he kept a very serious expression on his face for a boy his age (I figure he was about nine.), and when he hit the cymbals together he would bend his knees everytime he did. And then, for as long as he needed to, he would bend his knees to keep time. It was adorable, and Inner Shotacon nearly took over. Well... it did actually but I didn't do anything more than squee silently in my seat.
After that was a modern dance. I can't dance for nuts beyond the Hare Hare Yukai, the Motteke! Sailor Fuku and the Soulja Boy (and I don't usually do so because of the first point stated in this paragraph), but the moves kept getting reused so I got bored about halfway into the song (In Your Eyes - Kylie Minogue). And then was a piano-violin-duet (Habanera - Carmen) which was not too great. After that was a piano solo which I can't remember the name of, and which wasn't too well done, but in any case I imagined myself dancing below the stage to it. Of course, that's never going to happen. Not in the next year, at least.
There was choral storytelling, about a pig which wanted to lose weight, which led later to much teasing about how my brother should listen to music while eating so he would become fatter, which, even later, led to an assault on my person.
And there was ballet. Not good.
Then was the choir performance, where the girls got clothes that didn't look great and the boys got it slightly better (oh wait - that describes the situation in all the performing arts clubs in Kong Hwa.). The girls came in with lavender/white sleeves and skirts with black tops and silver belts, and the boys had black pants and purple shiny shirts and silver neck ruffles that weren't really very... ruffly. They sang songs that I didn't know either. Except for 青春舞曲, which was fair.
Then there was a break, where I did next to nothing.
They returned with the Guzheng Ensemble, where there was a boy on the drums who looked like he would, if he didn't shave his facial hair, end up like the leader from Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan. I like my school's Guzheng Ensemble better.
Then the Wushu people came and waved their daos and did a couple of moves that were obviously impractical in the outside world in a proper fight, and more than once I thought, "Oh yes, if Kong Hwa was under attack and I was there I would so trust my life to these people."
Then came the extremely boring Chinese Drama people, whom my sister said were going to do Chinese Opera. (I nearly died on hearing that actually. I hate hate hate Kong Hwa School Chinese Opera. I'd watch everything again that I'd said wasn't good or was plain boring ten times over, just to avoid watching Kong Hwa School Chinese Opera.) Thankfully they didn't.
After that a couple of kids came up and started singing Boogie Woogie Choo Choo, which was cute, but they were really soft.
And the last performance of the night was by the Chinese Dance troupe, which really took my breath away. They got a Gold in SYF as compared to Chinese Orchestra's Gold With Honours.
What strange people the judges are. Perhaps they're like Judge Turpin and look for women. (Ah yes, women. Pretty women.)
the whole lot of them could all do gymnastic splits and bend backwards about 300-degrees and stuff like that *______*
I have discovered (danke schon jingna) Sonata Arctica.
Because of this song.
and that is all because i don't want to tell you anything else. (cannot be bothered.)
I went in Lolita again, so I won't elaborate on that.
I love the architecture of that place. All the little details and the busts and the pillars and the clock tower, it made the experience that little bit more magical for me.
I met my ex-P6-form-teacher. She had to look twice before she realised who I was, and no one else really did actually, other than her. We talked for a bit. Here is a brief excerpt.
"As you can see I have discovered the world of Japanese fashion."
They started off with Chinese Orchestra, which was the main reason why I was there because my sister was the erhu section vice... group leader. Person. It's called 副团长.
I keep almost no good memories of my primary school, and the reason why I think class spirit in my current class is nothing more than a hindrance is probably because the only class spirit I experienced back then was called Pull Faith's Hair And Call Her Names (Bamboo Is A Good Example). (If that wasn't a hindrance, I don't know what is.) And so I retreated into myself. In any case it wasn't to my advantage if I tried to follow their trends and interests and whatnot. So, partially out of necessity, and partially out of the privileges it would bring, I stopped caring.
(I digress. Though I still hate that place - I was practically suicidal by the time I got out, and I nearly cried during graduation because it was the first time I'd felt free and happy in about three years.)
And so it should come as no surprise, that when the announcer said Chinese Orchestra was the "pride and joy of Kong Hwa School" I leaned over and whispered to my mother, "They probably mean 'saving grace'."
In the process of their performance, which was fair because I didn't really know the songs they played, and I've never heard a bad Chinese Orchestra before, I didn't have much to look at. I realised that the concert hall had really pretty wall lamps, and that the doors had carvings reminiscent of the hilt of Senbonzakura.
But what really stole the show for me was a person I couldn't even see for the majority of the performance.
It was this little boy on the cymbals. He couldn't be more than 1.3 metres tall, and he was blocked by the erhu section where I sat, but I did see him to some extent. A leg, a sleeve... I didn't mind, because it was what he did that made me explode with cuteness.
All through the performance as far as I knew, he kept a very serious expression on his face for a boy his age (I figure he was about nine.), and when he hit the cymbals together he would bend his knees everytime he did. And then, for as long as he needed to, he would bend his knees to keep time. It was adorable, and Inner Shotacon nearly took over. Well... it did actually but I didn't do anything more than squee silently in my seat.
After that was a modern dance. I can't dance for nuts beyond the Hare Hare Yukai, the Motteke! Sailor Fuku and the Soulja Boy (and I don't usually do so because of the first point stated in this paragraph), but the moves kept getting reused so I got bored about halfway into the song (In Your Eyes - Kylie Minogue). And then was a piano-violin-duet (Habanera - Carmen) which was not too great. After that was a piano solo which I can't remember the name of, and which wasn't too well done, but in any case I imagined myself dancing below the stage to it. Of course, that's never going to happen. Not in the next year, at least.
There was choral storytelling, about a pig which wanted to lose weight, which led later to much teasing about how my brother should listen to music while eating so he would become fatter, which, even later, led to an assault on my person.
And there was ballet. Not good.
Then was the choir performance, where the girls got clothes that didn't look great and the boys got it slightly better (oh wait - that describes the situation in all the performing arts clubs in Kong Hwa.). The girls came in with lavender/white sleeves and skirts with black tops and silver belts, and the boys had black pants and purple shiny shirts and silver neck ruffles that weren't really very... ruffly. They sang songs that I didn't know either. Except for 青春舞曲, which was fair.
Then there was a break, where I did next to nothing.
They returned with the Guzheng Ensemble, where there was a boy on the drums who looked like he would, if he didn't shave his facial hair, end up like the leader from Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan. I like my school's Guzheng Ensemble better.
Then the Wushu people came and waved their daos and did a couple of moves that were obviously impractical in the outside world in a proper fight, and more than once I thought, "Oh yes, if Kong Hwa was under attack and I was there I would so trust my life to these people."
Then came the extremely boring Chinese Drama people, whom my sister said were going to do Chinese Opera. (I nearly died on hearing that actually. I hate hate hate Kong Hwa School Chinese Opera. I'd watch everything again that I'd said wasn't good or was plain boring ten times over, just to avoid watching Kong Hwa School Chinese Opera.) Thankfully they didn't.
After that a couple of kids came up and started singing Boogie Woogie Choo Choo, which was cute, but they were really soft.
And the last performance of the night was by the Chinese Dance troupe, which really took my breath away. They got a Gold in SYF as compared to Chinese Orchestra's Gold With Honours.
What strange people the judges are. Perhaps they're like Judge Turpin and look for women. (Ah yes, women. Pretty women.)
the whole lot of them could all do gymnastic splits and bend backwards about 300-degrees and stuff like that *______*
I have discovered (danke schon jingna) Sonata Arctica.
Because of this song.
and that is all because i don't want to tell you anything else. (cannot be bothered.)
Monday, July 14, 2008
the obscure blog has a meme.hahahaha.
and it involves you. wow.
to the people i know, if you leave a comment here,i'll...
1. Tell you why I befriended you.
2. Associate you with a song / movie.
3. Tell a random fact about you.
4. Tell a first memory about you.
5. Associate you with an animal / fruit.
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
7. In return, you must post this in your own blog/journal/space/etc.
Meme kop'd from Jingna (
(And yes I do have fangirl spasms in front of a lot of people.Ask Tereza.)
to the people i know, if you leave a comment here,i'll...
1. Tell you why I befriended you.
2. Associate you with a song / movie.
3. Tell a random fact about you.
4. Tell a first memory about you.
5. Associate you with an animal / fruit.
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
7. In return, you must post this in your own blog/journal/space/etc.
Meme kop'd from Jingna (
(And yes I do have fangirl spasms in front of a lot of people.Ask Tereza.)
Friday, July 4, 2008
The sort-of-Great Lolita Adventure X333333333
Before you start wondering about the title, it isn't as epic as it says.
But oh well, you're here, you might as well.
We shall begin with the SNAFU section.
The day before I was delirious. And not in the good way. In the bad way. If you'd like to know more about the SNAFU section, it's in the previous post.
SNAFU tided over with Option (1), though there was still a brief scar of the incident which is faintly visible under strong lighting with fussy nitpicking eyes (like mine).
So with SNAFU aside, I enlisted the help of my mother in going... shopping.
We went to Marina Square, where, to my horror, I had no idea where the shop was.
So I called Yi Yun, the first of the two people I knew who knew where the shop was.
"Please hold while we connect your call. *super spy type music plays*
"At the tone, please record your message. *beep*"
This happened about two or three times, so I gave up and called Shernice.
Whose phone was also somehow unable to receive any of the calls I made.
I panicked. Well, almost, but then we went to see shoes.
Shoes are curious things. When you see the perfect design, the colour and/or size is wrong. When you see the perfect colour, the size and/or design is wrong. When you see the perfect size, the design and/or colour is wrong.
There were these really pretty pink ballet type shoes, the soft flexible type that five-year-olds use in ballet (I should know, I used to be one of them.) which were terribly cute... but didn't come in my size. (At least that's what the salesgirl said - she was on the phone. Oh well.)
Then there were the white ballet flats which were quite nice. But they didn't come in half sizes, and if I got a 37 it would be tight at the heels,and if I got a 38 it would be loose at the sides. And they were expensiveeeeeeee (-er than the shoes I would eventually buy. And that's saying something.)
There was an obscene number of very awesome ballet flats that only came in silver or black. I can understand black, but if anyone knows why silver footwear is in fashion now, tell me. I don't understand.
I was in another shoe shop trying on a pair of shoes (the one that didn't come in half sizes) when my phone rang.
And it was Shernice. And she told me where the shop was. And we found it, and I got an underskirt. ^__________^
I wanted to get shoes there but they were...
a) not in my size.
b) not the type that would go with my clothes
c) the wrong colour.
But I did get stockings. Long white stockings ending just above my knee, touching the underskirt and just below my actual skirt. With lace at the end ^w^
I didn't get cuffs, but heck.
Then there was the shoe problem.
By this time it was about ten, and all the shops were closed. So we went home, dropped off the underskirt and stockings and grabbed Dad, to go to the only 24-hour store we knew.
And so we were there, and when we went to the shoe department... woah.
Racks and racks and racks and racks and racks of shoes. And that was an understatement.
But all the interesting shoes were in the children's department. (Well Lolita is about being childish, ah well.) T^T
And the usual nightmare - the shoes were not in my size.
In desperation I ran to the end of the shoe department (very far), and landed up in the world of sports shoes *cue disturbing echo*. By this time I'd nearly given up, the place we went being the only 24-hour place we knew, but then, I saw... The Answer.
It was pink.
It had ballet-shoe-type-straps.
It came in my size.
It wasn't revealing.
My eyes widened.
My happiness grew.
It was...
And had a Puma logo on it (yes Puma hahahahaha)
But at this point the other option cost $75 and wasn't as nice. So there it was.
Normally the Lolita aren't supposed to have logos on their shoes, but to quote Sweeney Todd, "Ah, these are desperate times,... and desperate measures are called for."
It was eleven-thirty by the time I got back. Of course I shall need to factor in that Mum bought ointment and we all got hairbrushes (one of the commodities in the house that is almost always inexplicably in short supply).
But yes. Eleven-thirty. I was supposed to be asleep by then. I'd set an alert on my phone for it, too. And so, after getting ready for bed, I hopped in and held Mochi as I read a couple of pages of Sweeney Todd (the original novel, which is much more boring and much less bloody than what Stephen Sondheim has you looking at. I don't like it very much, but the character of Sweeney Todd compels me.) (Even the motivations for the two different Sweeney Todds are different, but I guess I've gone too far to stop reading it now.) (PIRELLI DISAPPEARED D8) (... I digress.)
That's how I drifted off to sleep. No, let me rephrase that, that's how I drift off to sleep.
At about five in the morning, I was awakened by Saitou Ayaka's Doki Doki Waku Waku. (If you haven't heard it before, do hear it. It causes auditory diabetes.) Normally I take a couple of minutes more after hearing the first alarm, having had about one or two more alarms set for that specific purpose, but today, I awakened quickly, and didn't need extra hours despite my blatant lack of sleep. The last time that happened, I was sound manager for SYF 2007, back when I was in ELDDS (to heck with it actually, once an ELDDS member, always an ELDDS member!) and had to finalise the soundtrack.
I went and took a bath, something I almost never do at five in the morning. (Usually it's a quick shower.) Then I got dressed in full Lolita regalia (or what regalia is to me - since I'm not in the ranks of Baby, The Stars Shine Bright or Victorian Maiden or Vivienne Westwood yet.) dried my hair, and made my way down in a black jacket that covered most of my person.
After a mug of Milo, a packet of sugarfree apple juice, and a Twiggie (the Americans will know it as a Twinkie.), I made my way to school.
I met Shafika on the way up, and we walked up together. She asked what I was wearing under my jacket and I told her I wouldn't remove my jacket till we got to class.
And so it was that way, and when I finally did take off my jacket people started staring and smiling and stuff. It was weird. It was beyond reason. But most importantly, I felt good ^w^
I met Shernice, who was in Gothic Lolita. She had a rather nice hairband and the most awesome boots I've seen in a while. Though her sleeves suggested wa-loli reference, she looked really darn good, and she had the dark blue lipstick and eyeliner to back it up.
You shall understand now, dear reader, that I was devoid of makeup, being rather disturbed by the prospect of using it, (my life dream stands that I should cosplay Orochimaru at least once in my life, but I plan to use face paint when it happens - it feels better.) and possessing the inability to use such things myself. When I made my way down to 4M after putting my things down in 4Z, I was received by Tereza and Roshni, who were there doing... I can't remember.
They brought me to the toilet, where I met Prisia, Shanice and Cherise. They were the Rockstar team, and each of them had their own colour. They were green, red, and pink respectively, if I remember correctly, and they coloured their hair as such.
And then the unthinkable happened to Prisia, and I had a flashback which Prisia will not want me to narrate here, even though it's evident that next to no one reads this but me, and that's how I like it.
But I won't say it.
Except that the next time it happens I shall use the same phrase again.
My shoes got quite a bit of attention. It was kind of ironic that I'd gotten them the last and as a desperate measure, but yes, I had to admit my shoes were pretty.
Eventually Iman showed up, and I went and sauntered back into the toilet to look at Team Rockstar. And I proceeded to laugh, and Tereza was all "You have nothing to laugh about.", and she proceeded to corner me against a row of sinks. And the unthinkable happened to me.
And then... eck.
I was pale.
But it was alright I guess. It could have been worse.
It could have been like primary school drama productions and choir recitals and dance items where the teachers in charge take matters into their own hands and indiscriminately... never mind. If you've ever been in one of the three (I have been in only one of the three), I guess sooner or later you would understand.
The unthinkable was... experimentation.
Though I must say it did look a little better after she was done. But still, ew.
After flag raising, there was a crowd of students near
Ms Tan was suitably surprised when we showed up for Science (Bio). Me and Pris still sat together, and considering how contrasting we were to each other, it was quite interesting to see the look on everyone's faces.
I saw Ms Begum after class. She was wearing our school uniform, except the skirt was modified such that it was floor-length. (I WANT A SKIRT LIKE THAT but no, it's not in fashion.)
For Social Studies and Geography nothing really happened, beyond the fact that our teacher was wearing the school P.E. shirt and track pants.
Next was Mother Tongue, where the worlds really collided. There was one person who came in a blue dressing gown with two curlers in her hair. Yu Zhen entered with Nicole and both of them were wearing CHIJ pinafores. Then Ariel came in and she was in her pirate eyepatch with scars and tattoos and dirt marks and such. When Kay Wei came in she was wearing an afro, and I was in shock. But ah well, I was still the nicest, or so I felt. The Chinese teacher called me 小甜甜 (dir. trans: small sweet sweet) and said I should have worn either Barbie or Hello Kitty. Being unable to swear as a Lolita, I resorted to making slapping actions.
There were a lot of pictures after that. I can't remember how many pictures people took with me, but there were a lot. I took a few with Shernice, since we were the opposites of each other. She never smiled, but I always did. She always had her hands placed perfectly by her side, but I never did that. Ah well, we looked good together though ^^.

At the beginning of recess I met Ms Siew who was on her way to her class for Reading period. She thought my clothes were sweet X3
Later I went out for recess, and I had Pocky.

(And you see the Kamikaze Girls book? I brought that with me because it perfectly complimented my clothes, and the style. 8D)
I brought Strawberry Pocky, because it totally matched, and because it made for great lulz.

This is something I like to call Pocky Diplomacy.
Near the end of recess I was walking up to class when I saw the individual Express Yourself Day competition. Since Shernice was going, I figured nothing too bad would happen. Inner Lolita took control of my hand, and so that was how I became Entry 22 - on a whim.
(But then again most of the competitions and stuff I've participated in during the course of my life were because I felt like it at a given moment.)
After recess, it was Maths, and integration went suitably well. All the 4Z people were late for their respective competitions though because we didn't know when to report.
There was that one time afterwards where I reached the epiphany that the individual competition was actually some form of a pageant, but beyond that mildly rude shock that I could take, nothing too bad really happened. (Though I'd promised myself that my first competition of this sort would be a cosplay thing, ah well.)
The vice principal came up to me and Shernice and she was all, "You two belong in Harajuku."
I thought to myself, "Woah, she knows what Harajuku is."
Shernice had a long pause before asking, "What's Harajuku?"
And so I explained to her, "It's the land of cosplay and Japanese street fashion. They have a bridge called Jingubashi where the JRock and anime cosplayers go."
Another pause.
"Woah, she knows what Harajuku is."
So yes, we went up in our separate groups, and we posed, and I did something classically reserved for people in cute clothes that I shall not wish to repeat. (I only did it because my specs were off. If my specs were on I don't think I'd have dared.)
I ended up after the thing at the back of the hall, just behind Ms Siew. Prisia joined me soon after, and we sabotaged Mr Sng and the rest of the uniformed people (mainly the guy teachers, whom I'd given the informal group name "abingdon boys school") into going up and posing and doing other random things. Pity my camera wasn't too clear over long distances so I didn't take anything truly awesome.
Pris and I did in the end take a picture with Mr Sng, though it was against the light so it wasn't that great.
...this Lolita couldn't go too long without a badass expression, so she did one in the picture. XD
At the end of it I made my way back to class to pack my things and go home, when I saw the people in front thumb-wrestling.
Have you ever thumb-wrestled before? Perhaps your people call it Pepsi-Cola-123, or Thumb War, but you get the point. I took on two of my classmates (I can't remember who at this point), won one and tied the other, before I challenged Shernice to a thumb wrestling match. We started the match, and then someone yelled "OMG LOLITA VERSUS LOLITA! Someone should record this and put it on the Internet!"
But no one did T^T
I won her in the end, and the same person who yelled before said, "See? Light beats darkness."
My last moments in school in Lolita were spent drinking strawberry yoghurt milk, reading Kamikaze Girls, and playing Sudoku. During this period someone requested a picture with me, because, according to her friend, I looked like Goldilocks with black hair.
(...I thought Goldilocks was so named because she had... gold locks?)
I had a brief mental image of myself breaking into a house and sitting on chairs that were too hard, too soft, and just right, and eating porridge that was too hot, too cold and just right, and sleeping on beds that were too hard, too soft, and just right. And the bears were Gloomy Bears. But never mind.
(Just imagine it for yourself! If someone broke into a house of a family of Gloomy Bears s/he could never expect to live!)
The Lolita generally aim for something more Alice-in-Wonderland-ish, if I'm not wrong though.
I stayed dressed in Lolita after that in Maths tuition, and didn't change clothes till it was night-time and I had to get out of them.
I want to do it again ^____^
Maybe after the O levels, a few days after doing Sweeney Todd.
Of course, I'll leave the unthinkable to other people.
But oh well, you're here, you might as well.
We shall begin with the SNAFU section.
The day before I was delirious. And not in the good way. In the bad way. If you'd like to know more about the SNAFU section, it's in the previous post.
SNAFU tided over with Option (1), though there was still a brief scar of the incident which is faintly visible under strong lighting with fussy nitpicking eyes (like mine).
So with SNAFU aside, I enlisted the help of my mother in going... shopping.
We went to Marina Square, where, to my horror, I had no idea where the shop was.
So I called Yi Yun, the first of the two people I knew who knew where the shop was.
"Please hold while we connect your call. *super spy type music plays*
"At the tone, please record your message. *beep*"
This happened about two or three times, so I gave up and called Shernice.
Whose phone was also somehow unable to receive any of the calls I made.
I panicked. Well, almost, but then we went to see shoes.
Shoes are curious things. When you see the perfect design, the colour and/or size is wrong. When you see the perfect colour, the size and/or design is wrong. When you see the perfect size, the design and/or colour is wrong.
There were these really pretty pink ballet type shoes, the soft flexible type that five-year-olds use in ballet (I should know, I used to be one of them.) which were terribly cute... but didn't come in my size. (At least that's what the salesgirl said - she was on the phone. Oh well.)
Then there were the white ballet flats which were quite nice. But they didn't come in half sizes, and if I got a 37 it would be tight at the heels,and if I got a 38 it would be loose at the sides. And they were expensiveeeeeeee (-er than the shoes I would eventually buy. And that's saying something.)
There was an obscene number of very awesome ballet flats that only came in silver or black. I can understand black, but if anyone knows why silver footwear is in fashion now, tell me. I don't understand.
I was in another shoe shop trying on a pair of shoes (the one that didn't come in half sizes) when my phone rang.
And it was Shernice. And she told me where the shop was. And we found it, and I got an underskirt. ^__________^
I wanted to get shoes there but they were...
a) not in my size.
b) not the type that would go with my clothes
c) the wrong colour.
But I did get stockings. Long white stockings ending just above my knee, touching the underskirt and just below my actual skirt. With lace at the end ^w^
I didn't get cuffs, but heck.
Then there was the shoe problem.
By this time it was about ten, and all the shops were closed. So we went home, dropped off the underskirt and stockings and grabbed Dad, to go to the only 24-hour store we knew.
And so we were there, and when we went to the shoe department... woah.
Racks and racks and racks and racks and racks of shoes. And that was an understatement.
But all the interesting shoes were in the children's department. (Well Lolita is about being childish, ah well.) T^T
And the usual nightmare - the shoes were not in my size.
In desperation I ran to the end of the shoe department (very far), and landed up in the world of sports shoes *cue disturbing echo*. By this time I'd nearly given up, the place we went being the only 24-hour place we knew, but then, I saw... The Answer.
It was pink.
It had ballet-shoe-type-straps.
It came in my size.
It wasn't revealing.
My eyes widened.
My happiness grew.
It was...
And had a Puma logo on it (yes Puma hahahahaha)
But at this point the other option cost $75 and wasn't as nice. So there it was.
Normally the Lolita aren't supposed to have logos on their shoes, but to quote Sweeney Todd, "Ah, these are desperate times,... and desperate measures are called for."
It was eleven-thirty by the time I got back. Of course I shall need to factor in that Mum bought ointment and we all got hairbrushes (one of the commodities in the house that is almost always inexplicably in short supply).
But yes. Eleven-thirty. I was supposed to be asleep by then. I'd set an alert on my phone for it, too. And so, after getting ready for bed, I hopped in and held Mochi as I read a couple of pages of Sweeney Todd (the original novel, which is much more boring and much less bloody than what Stephen Sondheim has you looking at. I don't like it very much, but the character of Sweeney Todd compels me.) (Even the motivations for the two different Sweeney Todds are different, but I guess I've gone too far to stop reading it now.) (PIRELLI DISAPPEARED D8) (... I digress.)
That's how I drifted off to sleep. No, let me rephrase that, that's how I drift off to sleep.
At about five in the morning, I was awakened by Saitou Ayaka's Doki Doki Waku Waku. (If you haven't heard it before, do hear it. It causes auditory diabetes.) Normally I take a couple of minutes more after hearing the first alarm, having had about one or two more alarms set for that specific purpose, but today, I awakened quickly, and didn't need extra hours despite my blatant lack of sleep. The last time that happened, I was sound manager for SYF 2007, back when I was in ELDDS (to heck with it actually, once an ELDDS member, always an ELDDS member!) and had to finalise the soundtrack.
I went and took a bath, something I almost never do at five in the morning. (Usually it's a quick shower.) Then I got dressed in full Lolita regalia (or what regalia is to me - since I'm not in the ranks of Baby, The Stars Shine Bright or Victorian Maiden or Vivienne Westwood yet.) dried my hair, and made my way down in a black jacket that covered most of my person.
After a mug of Milo, a packet of sugarfree apple juice, and a Twiggie (the Americans will know it as a Twinkie.), I made my way to school.
I met Shafika on the way up, and we walked up together. She asked what I was wearing under my jacket and I told her I wouldn't remove my jacket till we got to class.
And so it was that way, and when I finally did take off my jacket people started staring and smiling and stuff. It was weird. It was beyond reason. But most importantly, I felt good ^w^
I met Shernice, who was in Gothic Lolita. She had a rather nice hairband and the most awesome boots I've seen in a while. Though her sleeves suggested wa-loli reference, she looked really darn good, and she had the dark blue lipstick and eyeliner to back it up.
You shall understand now, dear reader, that I was devoid of makeup, being rather disturbed by the prospect of using it, (my life dream stands that I should cosplay Orochimaru at least once in my life, but I plan to use face paint when it happens - it feels better.) and possessing the inability to use such things myself. When I made my way down to 4M after putting my things down in 4Z, I was received by Tereza and Roshni, who were there doing... I can't remember.
They brought me to the toilet, where I met Prisia, Shanice and Cherise. They were the Rockstar team, and each of them had their own colour. They were green, red, and pink respectively, if I remember correctly, and they coloured their hair as such.
And then the unthinkable happened to Prisia, and I had a flashback which Prisia will not want me to narrate here, even though it's evident that next to no one reads this but me, and that's how I like it.
But I won't say it.
Except that the next time it happens I shall use the same phrase again.
My shoes got quite a bit of attention. It was kind of ironic that I'd gotten them the last and as a desperate measure, but yes, I had to admit my shoes were pretty.
Eventually Iman showed up, and I went and sauntered back into the toilet to look at Team Rockstar. And I proceeded to laugh, and Tereza was all "You have nothing to laugh about.", and she proceeded to corner me against a row of sinks. And the unthinkable happened to me.
And then... eck.
I was pale.
But it was alright I guess. It could have been worse.
It could have been like primary school drama productions and choir recitals and dance items where the teachers in charge take matters into their own hands and indiscriminately... never mind. If you've ever been in one of the three (I have been in only one of the three), I guess sooner or later you would understand.
The unthinkable was... experimentation.
Though I must say it did look a little better after she was done. But still, ew.
After flag raising, there was a crowd of students near
Ms Tan was suitably surprised when we showed up for Science (Bio). Me and Pris still sat together, and considering how contrasting we were to each other, it was quite interesting to see the look on everyone's faces.
I saw Ms Begum after class. She was wearing our school uniform, except the skirt was modified such that it was floor-length. (I WANT A SKIRT LIKE THAT but no, it's not in fashion.)
For Social Studies and Geography nothing really happened, beyond the fact that our teacher was wearing the school P.E. shirt and track pants.
Next was Mother Tongue, where the worlds really collided. There was one person who came in a blue dressing gown with two curlers in her hair. Yu Zhen entered with Nicole and both of them were wearing CHIJ pinafores. Then Ariel came in and she was in her pirate eyepatch with scars and tattoos and dirt marks and such. When Kay Wei came in she was wearing an afro, and I was in shock. But ah well, I was still the nicest, or so I felt. The Chinese teacher called me 小甜甜 (dir. trans: small sweet sweet) and said I should have worn either Barbie or Hello Kitty. Being unable to swear as a Lolita, I resorted to making slapping actions.
There were a lot of pictures after that. I can't remember how many pictures people took with me, but there were a lot. I took a few with Shernice, since we were the opposites of each other. She never smiled, but I always did. She always had her hands placed perfectly by her side, but I never did that. Ah well, we looked good together though ^^.
At the beginning of recess I met Ms Siew who was on her way to her class for Reading period. She thought my clothes were sweet X3
Later I went out for recess, and I had Pocky.
(And you see the Kamikaze Girls book? I brought that with me because it perfectly complimented my clothes, and the style. 8D)
I brought Strawberry Pocky, because it totally matched, and because it made for great lulz.
This is something I like to call Pocky Diplomacy.
Near the end of recess I was walking up to class when I saw the individual Express Yourself Day competition. Since Shernice was going, I figured nothing too bad would happen. Inner Lolita took control of my hand, and so that was how I became Entry 22 - on a whim.
(But then again most of the competitions and stuff I've participated in during the course of my life were because I felt like it at a given moment.)
After recess, it was Maths, and integration went suitably well. All the 4Z people were late for their respective competitions though because we didn't know when to report.
There was that one time afterwards where I reached the epiphany that the individual competition was actually some form of a pageant, but beyond that mildly rude shock that I could take, nothing too bad really happened. (Though I'd promised myself that my first competition of this sort would be a cosplay thing, ah well.)
The vice principal came up to me and Shernice and she was all, "You two belong in Harajuku."
I thought to myself, "Woah, she knows what Harajuku is."
Shernice had a long pause before asking, "What's Harajuku?"
And so I explained to her, "It's the land of cosplay and Japanese street fashion. They have a bridge called Jingubashi where the JRock and anime cosplayers go."
Another pause.
"Woah, she knows what Harajuku is."
So yes, we went up in our separate groups, and we posed, and I did something classically reserved for people in cute clothes that I shall not wish to repeat. (I only did it because my specs were off. If my specs were on I don't think I'd have dared.)
I ended up after the thing at the back of the hall, just behind Ms Siew. Prisia joined me soon after, and we sabotaged Mr Sng and the rest of the uniformed people (mainly the guy teachers, whom I'd given the informal group name "abingdon boys school") into going up and posing and doing other random things. Pity my camera wasn't too clear over long distances so I didn't take anything truly awesome.
Pris and I did in the end take a picture with Mr Sng, though it was against the light so it wasn't that great.
...this Lolita couldn't go too long without a badass expression, so she did one in the picture. XD
At the end of it I made my way back to class to pack my things and go home, when I saw the people in front thumb-wrestling.
Have you ever thumb-wrestled before? Perhaps your people call it Pepsi-Cola-123, or Thumb War, but you get the point. I took on two of my classmates (I can't remember who at this point), won one and tied the other, before I challenged Shernice to a thumb wrestling match. We started the match, and then someone yelled "OMG LOLITA VERSUS LOLITA! Someone should record this and put it on the Internet!"
But no one did T^T
I won her in the end, and the same person who yelled before said, "See? Light beats darkness."
My last moments in school in Lolita were spent drinking strawberry yoghurt milk, reading Kamikaze Girls, and playing Sudoku. During this period someone requested a picture with me, because, according to her friend, I looked like Goldilocks with black hair.
(...I thought Goldilocks was so named because she had... gold locks?)
I had a brief mental image of myself breaking into a house and sitting on chairs that were too hard, too soft, and just right, and eating porridge that was too hot, too cold and just right, and sleeping on beds that were too hard, too soft, and just right. And the bears were Gloomy Bears. But never mind.
(Just imagine it for yourself! If someone broke into a house of a family of Gloomy Bears s/he could never expect to live!)
The Lolita generally aim for something more Alice-in-Wonderland-ish, if I'm not wrong though.
I stayed dressed in Lolita after that in Maths tuition, and didn't change clothes till it was night-time and I had to get out of them.
I want to do it again ^____^
Maybe after the O levels, a few days after doing Sweeney Todd.
Of course, I'll leave the unthinkable to other people.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
And an update before I run off.
Saturday was SMEXY.
TOYCON WAS SMEXY ON SATURDAY I mean Sunday was obviously going to be better but TO HECK WITH IT I SAW ALL THE PEOPLE I WANTED TO SEE!! :3
Jingna looked tired. I hope she's better now. So that's what it's like to be twenty years old...
Three prints gotten. They were beautiful. All of them. And I got the glossy version of Jingna's namecard. In the end I think I like the matte one better XD
I still want the Caramel shot, and Sakuran, and of course I'd like another copy of the first print of Jingna's sister for my classmateand fellow lolita on friday.
I checked the EYD charts today. Apparently there're four people from 1C coming as the Totally Spies girls (OHNOES) and four other people from 2O coming as Japanese schoolgirls (8D PREPARE TENTACLES!).
As for myself,I decided what I wanted to do on Monday.
It involves breaking everyone's brains. (Not that I've never done that before, I'm probably a professional brain breaker.)
It involves my inner girl coming out and announcing her presence to the rest of the world, like it's never happened before. (And it's never happened before.)
I wanted to do Sweeney Toddddddddd. Why did they have to be so mean and implement a no cross-dressing rule D8
And so we have to be girly and all. So much for expressing yourself.
But if they want it that way, then it must be so! And so the breaking of brains will commence on Friday.
As the Chinese like to say, in a directly translated proverb, "Ten thousand things prepared, only owe east wind." (Don't try to understand it. It just means that everything's done except for what's most important.)
The article of clothing I decided to wear on Friday apparently now has a stain thanks to someone's running dye in the washing machine. Electric blue streaks over the lower back of the blooming thing... it's SNAFU here.
By Thursday SNAFU should tide over in either one of the two ways...
1) Dress is saved by some miracle. SNAFU ends.
2) Dress goes from SNAFU to FUBAR. Mother buys Dress Number Two which will take some getting used to on my part. SNAFU ends.
Of course I need an underskirt. I am not going to school and leaving myself open to saabisu from the male teachers, who should, by the time they discover the possibility of saabisu, have had their brains broken already. Or, they could direct their minds towards the Japanese schoolgirls, as I peacefully live my Rococo day. (OHNOES I SOUND LIEK MOMOKO.)
And I want cuffs. They're pretty :3
And now I shall plan the food I'll eat on that day.
Since I'm not staying after school (unless certain people drag me off with them to take pictures or something) I'll only eat a bit.
I'll have...
eeee it's hard to decide because I have to consider that I'll be wearing...eck.
I'll have... some form of chips, perhaps.
Or keeping in line with my theme, I'll have something sweet. Chocolate? Pocky? Yeah, Pocky sounds nice, I'll get some tomorrow.
Ichigo Pocky ^w^
TOYCON WAS SMEXY ON SATURDAY I mean Sunday was obviously going to be better but TO HECK WITH IT I SAW ALL THE PEOPLE I WANTED TO SEE!! :3
Jingna looked tired. I hope she's better now. So that's what it's like to be twenty years old...
Three prints gotten. They were beautiful. All of them. And I got the glossy version of Jingna's namecard. In the end I think I like the matte one better XD
I still want the Caramel shot, and Sakuran, and of course I'd like another copy of the first print of Jingna's sister for my classmate
I checked the EYD charts today. Apparently there're four people from 1C coming as the Totally Spies girls (OHNOES) and four other people from 2O coming as Japanese schoolgirls (8D PREPARE TENTACLES!).
As for myself,I decided what I wanted to do on Monday.
It involves breaking everyone's brains. (Not that I've never done that before, I'm probably a professional brain breaker.)
It involves my inner girl coming out and announcing her presence to the rest of the world, like it's never happened before. (And it's never happened before.)
I wanted to do Sweeney Toddddddddd. Why did they have to be so mean and implement a no cross-dressing rule D8
And so we have to be girly and all. So much for expressing yourself.
But if they want it that way, then it must be so! And so the breaking of brains will commence on Friday.
As the Chinese like to say, in a directly translated proverb, "Ten thousand things prepared, only owe east wind." (Don't try to understand it. It just means that everything's done except for what's most important.)
The article of clothing I decided to wear on Friday apparently now has a stain thanks to someone's running dye in the washing machine. Electric blue streaks over the lower back of the blooming thing... it's SNAFU here.
By Thursday SNAFU should tide over in either one of the two ways...
1) Dress is saved by some miracle. SNAFU ends.
2) Dress goes from SNAFU to FUBAR. Mother buys Dress Number Two which will take some getting used to on my part. SNAFU ends.
Of course I need an underskirt. I am not going to school and leaving myself open to saabisu from the male teachers, who should, by the time they discover the possibility of saabisu, have had their brains broken already. Or, they could direct their minds towards the Japanese schoolgirls, as I peacefully live my Rococo day. (OHNOES I SOUND LIEK MOMOKO.)
And I want cuffs. They're pretty :3
And now I shall plan the food I'll eat on that day.
Since I'm not staying after school (unless certain people drag me off with them to take pictures or something) I'll only eat a bit.
I'll have...
eeee it's hard to decide because I have to consider that I'll be wearing...eck.
I'll have... some form of chips, perhaps.
Or keeping in line with my theme, I'll have something sweet. Chocolate? Pocky? Yeah, Pocky sounds nice, I'll get some tomorrow.
Ichigo Pocky ^w^
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