so many things have happened,and it`s hard to start now.
i`ll just do this.
A is for Anime (and acting)
B is for Byakuya-taichou-sama X3
C is for Cosplay (*melts in happiness*)
D is for Dreamer (no prizes for guessing who I support in the US Election.)
E is for Exodus (a nice Bible chapter.)
F is for Fangirl (SELF EXPLANATORY 8D)
G is for Gothic Lolita (which I hope to do in the near future)
H is for Harajuku (in effect the centre of Earth.)
I is for Ichigo bliss (which Someone has gotten me obsessed with)
J is for Japan (the best country in the world)
K is for Kenichi Matsuyama (the most oddly cute man I've seen)
L is for Lysander (and L. Lawliet)
M is for Midsummer Night's Dream (and Mello,whom I feel is like me in a few cases)
N is for Naomi (my best friend ^-^ whom I cannot see now due to two angry misguided people. T-T)
O is for Ojou-sama (
P is for Photoshop (one of the best inventions of our time)
R is for Roy (the short name of my foil)
S is for Senbonzakura Mugen (the long name of my foil,with a long backstory to go with it.)
T is for Theatre (Proudly consuming my life since 1996.)
U is for Unconventional (what I hope to be)
V is for Violence (which I enjoy reading about,but cannot watch for fear of fainting.)
W is for Winter-ghost (a nice person. XD
X is for XXX (which is my brain summarised.)
Y is for Yilong-jiaolian (Coach Yilong,who teaches me fencing ^^)
Z is for Zemotion. (KAMI!!!) (
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
The first post
This blog will start on a happy note.I'M IN JAPAN!!! 8D

Now before I get carried away in happiness,because this is JAPAN,I shall remind myself of what I am to get for people.
Fedora - Japanese art materials and Japanese candy. (I'll probably end up getting Japanese candy for everyone by default as it is.)
TBX - Miraculously, nothing.
Naomi - GAKUTO!!!!! *attempts to throw pokeball at her*
Pris - Either/and/or Agito (Air Gear),Train Heartnet,Eve,Creed Diskenth (all Black Cat)
EVB - Either/and/or Ichimaru Gin (Bleach) (or any other hot Bleach boy in sight) Agito,Spitfire (Air Gear)
Za[buza] - ...heh I trust my taste on that one 8D
ANYWAY.Let us,as the Chinese say,cut into the actual subject.
Going up the plane,something beyond my wildest dreams happened. (Alright,so I do have wilder dreams,but this was crazy enough.)
I can die happy now.
No,actually,since I still have Midsummer obligations (which JS might come at me with a Beretta/Smith and Wesson/Uzi/Magnum/AK47/etc for not fulfilling,as well as for leaving Pris as my liason officer while I stay in Japan.).I can't die happy yet.But you get the expression.
If you don't,I'll say it with a picture.
Anyway,at the gates waiting to board the plane,I decided to take a self-portrait.The mirror shot type that aspiring photographers should never never take. (I'm a pro-macro person anyway,it has nothing to do with me.) And I did.And it wasn't good because my brain was half asleep (6.30 in the morning,I'd gotten up at 5.15...sickening.),and it was blur and had finger shadows and all that jazz.
AND THEN I HEARD MY NAME.From a voice that was so very familiar and yet so very strange.I turned to its source,and I saw...a very beautiful girl.
Calling me.
Who happened to be somewhat familiar,but it didn't register because,well,my brain was half asleep.
Then my inner fangirl activated itself,and woke my person up at 6.30 like nothing had ever woken me up at 6.30 before.
Za[buza] knows her.
The following dialogue is in approximation.(Because I was spazzing.And because my brain was waking up.)
Me:"OH MY GOODNESS you...No,this can't be for real.This is a dream,just pinch me."
And she did.
And in my subconscious,there was a picture of my left brain cracking (yes,specifically my left brain),and my person melting like dark chocolate fondue.
I did not,contrary to possible expectations of Za[buza],have a Teru Mikami moment.I wonder why.
I kind of wanted to,actually.
ze:"I changed my flight earlier."
At this point Brother 1 shows up and asks who I'm talking to,and eventually the whole division shows up.Except Dad.
On the way to the plane,I thanked the Lord because this made me so insanely happy.
Long story short,in the plane she was a couple rows behind me,not directly behind but... *melts*
In the plane most of the time she was sleeping (*defensive tone* I wasn’t stalking her when I found out,okay?I had to use the toilet at the back of the plane because the ones in front were all taken.),and I tried and failed to sleep.(I couldn't sleep even with Brother 2's Gloomy Bear.)There wasn't a lot to eat,and I was bored half the time,so I watched Alvin and the Chipmunks (again),drank apple juice,read Southeast Asian History (that's what the class was doing in my absence) and took experimental shots.
Eventually,she did wake up,and we had a long conversation about many things.
It started out making sense.We talked about our travel plans.Hers were really awesome.She was going for meetings with IFS and to sit in on meetings with MAD HOUSE and other anime studios.I distinctly remember saying that it was probably kind of disturbing to be her.
But slowly,it descended into madness.
It was the fault of a series of long awkward silences.
The given reason for the long awkward silences was even more awkward than the silences itself.And I gave it too.
Me:"At the risk of sounding gay,I have to say that my mind goes blank staring into your eyes."
(In retrospect,my brain was asleep then.I remember seeing in my brain shades of white descending into light grey.) (Both of us were considerably weirded out by that comment.But heck.)
We talked about anime for a bit,and she said she didn't watch much anime besides a bit of Samurai 7 during the SEA Games,and I said yeah,if she did there'd probably be a little man in her head with a rubber hammer trying to knock some sense into her XD
Then another awkward silence came up,and then I told her about fencing.
And how I dragged my brother into fencing.And about the weapons.And how points are scored.
And shortly after,another long awkward silence ensued.
Me:"...this is starting to look like a shojo manga."
ze:"You aren't as talkative as you are online."
Me:"Mhmm.It's like I lost the script.And so I shall do what the EL people have been taught to do in case they lose their scripts - to improvise!
*short pause*
"I can't think of anything."
And so she asked about my production upon my return from Japan,and I told her it was for A Midsummer Night's Dream.And then the conversation started to make sense again.
ze:"So how'd you get the part in your production?"
Me:"My teacher-in-charge just said,'Alright,you're Lysander'.Strange man really.I've been observing him for three years,three and a half if you count my Secondary One oral,and I still have no idea how his mind works.Come to think of it,I did have a bit of a crush on him in Sec 2,but he got married the next year,so I stopped worrying."
She laughed a bit.That made me happy ^-^
After a while the plane began its descent,so I had to go back to my seat.
But it was fun talking to her,even though it had awkward moments and I didn't know what to say half the time.
The rest of the day was spent getting back to Ueno.
Arguably my second home in the world.
Everytime I come back to Ueno,I feel the cold air that does not bite,yet does not comfort my person.I can say it's a place far from home,but rather close to my heart.
The cold air,the Tokyo Banana shop at the station,the Pronto pasta shops at every corner...
I'm back.
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